Apartmaji in sobe Ravbar – pri nas se boste počutili kot doma

Več kot 50-letna tradicija in pristno gostoljubje.

Pridite kot gosti in odidite kot prijatelji.

Spodaj je nekaj vtisov naših gostov, ki se k nam z veseljem vračajo.

Nikjer ni boljše in lepše kot doma! Počutili sva se kot doma!!! Hvala!
Pia in Dušica
Uživali smo u gostoprimstvu in kvalitetnom smeštaju.
Oliver Dragojević i Dupini
Pozdrav pansionu Ravbar! Veoma ugodno vreme provedeno kot vas. Hvala na gostoprimstvu. Pozdrav
Vlatko Stefanovski, kitarist
Imeli smo čudovit teden pri vas in srčno upamo, da se še kdaj ponovi. Hvala za prijaznost.
Igralska ekipa Prešernovega gledališča Kranj
Hvala za predivnom smještaju ljubaznosti i domačinstvu.
Tony Cetinski, glasbenik
Dragi Ravbarjevi! Lepa hvala za odlično namestitev. Na tako prijazno in domačo hišo ima popotnik vedno čudovit spomin in željo po vrnitvi. Veliko uspehov!
Suzana in Damjan
Izjemno 10. Udoben in velik apartma v pritličju, kar je super za družino z dojenčkom ali majhnim otrokom, odlična lokacija (bližina starega mestnega jedra in dobra izhodiščna točka za dnevne izlete, oglede) in zelo prijazen lastnik.
Prijazno, prijetno, udobno bivanje. Ocena: 10. Zajtrk je bil zelo dober. Gospod Ravbar je bil nadvse ustrežljiv in prijazen. Njihov vrt z letno kuhinjo je lep in prijeten. Skratka, prenočišča Ravbar, toplo priporočam.
Jako prijatan ambijent, izuzetno gostoljubivi domačini in vrlo relaksirajuča atmosfera. Bravo, superlativi u svakom smislu.
Goran Blagojević
Vlasnik je uvek bio na usluzi, čak nas je i svojim vozilom taksirao po gradu. Izašli su nam u susret i po pitanju kasnijeg check out-a. Smeštaj je veoma čist, iako smo boravili samo dve noći dobili smo dupli set peškira. Sve pohvale za domaćina, preporučujem svima boravak, mi ćemo se sigurno ponovo ovde vratiti.
Dragisa, Srbija
Bili smo zelo navdušeni nad pogoji ter ureditvijo apartmaja!!! Tu smo preživeli cel teden in bilo je super. Vreme nam je bilo naklonjeno, tako da smo lahko »raziskali« okolico. Le tako naprej! Upamo, da bomo imeli naslednje leto zopet možnost sodelovanja!
Urša, klub za ritmično gimnastiko Šiška
Jeste da je bilo kratko ali je bilo veoma ugodno i prijatno se odmoriti u vašim sobama. Najsrdačnije Vam se zahvaljujem u svoje ime i u ime svih nas za obilan doručak koji ste nam pripremili. Nadam se da ćemo se i ubuduće viđati. Srdačan pozdrav i uspešan posao
Rudi Tompa iz firme Kolpa Trade
Vredni ste gesla: »Dober glas seže v deveto vas!« Zaslužite pohvale za prijaznost in usluge.
Arič, Velenje
Mesto je carobno! Domacin je vrlo prijatan i direktan u svemu. Lepo je bilo i boraviti i popiti casu vina sa njim. To je jako lepo mesto, na odlicnoj lokaciji, u mirnom okruzenju. Tamo treba ici opet!?
Aleksandar, Srbija
Hvala za gostoljubje in prijaznost!
Buldožer, glasbena skupina
To što sam imala čast da budem gost u ovim prelepim apartmanima in da upoznam sve vas – znak je da sudbina postoji! I ja sam joj zahvalna što mi je omogućila da se ova 3 dana osećam kako se nisam nikad osećala ni u sopstvenom domu. Hvala vam na svemu! Pravi je blagoslov poznavati vas! Želim vam svu sreću ovoga sveta, jer je vi zaslužujete više od svih i svega!
Sve mi se dopalo. Domaćin ljubazan i predusretljiv, smještaj odličan. Opet ću boraviti kod RAVBAR-a, sigurno!!!
Ivan, Črna Gora
Odlična lokacija za dopust. 10 Zelo lepa lokacija, okusno urejene sobe in izredno prijazno osebje.
Spoštovani! Srečanje z vami in prijetno bivanje pri vas nama je ostalo nepozabno …
Viktorija in Antun
Opet smo imeli sreče da budemo kod vas. Prezadovoljni smo vašim gostoprimstvom i kvalitetom vaših usluga. Hvala vam na svemu
Opet smo imeli sreče da budemo kod vas. Prezadovoljni smo vašim gostoprimstvom i kvalitetom vaših usluga. Hvala vam na svemu
Spoštovani! Srečanje z vami in prijetno bivanje pri vas nama je ostalo nepozabno …
Viktorija in Antun
Odlična lokacija za dopust. 10 Zelo lepa lokacija, okusno urejene sobe in izredno prijazno osebje.
Sve mi se dopalo. Domaćin ljubazan i predusretljiv, smještaj odličan. Opet ću boraviti kod RAVBAR-a, sigurno!!!
Ivan, Črna Gora
To što sam imala čast da budem gost u ovim prelepim apartmanima in da upoznam sve vas – znak je da sudbina postoji! I ja sam joj zahvalna što mi je omogućila da se ova 3 dana osećam kako se nisam nikad osećala ni u sopstvenom domu. Hvala vam na svemu! Pravi je blagoslov poznavati vas! Želim vam svu sreću ovoga sveta, jer je vi zaslužujete više od svih i svega!
Hvala za gostoljubje in prijaznost!
Buldožer, glasbena skupina
Mesto je carobno! Domacin je vrlo prijatan i direktan u svemu. Lepo je bilo i boraviti i popiti casu vina sa njim. To je jako lepo mesto, na odlicnoj lokaciji, u mirnom okruzenju. Tamo treba ici opet!?
Aleksandar, Srbija
Vredni ste gesla: »Dober glas seže v deveto vas!« Zaslužite pohvale za prijaznost in usluge.
Arič, Velenje
Jeste da je bilo kratko ali je bilo veoma ugodno i prijatno se odmoriti u vašim sobama. Najsrdačnije Vam se zahvaljujem u svoje ime i u ime svih nas za obilan doručak koji ste nam pripremili. Nadam se da ćemo se i ubuduće viđati. Srdačan pozdrav i uspešan posao
Rudi Tompa iz firme Kolpa Trade
Bili smo zelo navdušeni nad pogoji ter ureditvijo apartmaja!!! Tu smo preživeli cel teden in bilo je super. Vreme nam je bilo naklonjeno, tako da smo lahko »raziskali« okolico. Le tako naprej! Upamo, da bomo imeli naslednje leto zopet možnost sodelovanja!
Urša, klub za ritmično gimnastiko Šiška
Vlasnik je uvek bio na usluzi, čak nas je i svojim vozilom taksirao po gradu. Izašli su nam u susret i po pitanju kasnijeg check out-a. Smeštaj je veoma čist, iako smo boravili samo dve noći dobili smo dupli set peškira. Sve pohvale za domaćina, preporučujem svima boravak, mi ćemo se sigurno ponovo ovde vratiti.
Dragisa, Srbija
Jako prijatan ambijent, izuzetno gostoljubivi domačini in vrlo relaksirajuča atmosfera. Bravo, superlativi u svakom smislu.
Goran Blagojević
Prijazno, prijetno, udobno bivanje. Ocena: 10. Zajtrk je bil zelo dober. Gospod Ravbar je bil nadvse ustrežljiv in prijazen. Njihov vrt z letno kuhinjo je lep in prijeten. Skratka, prenočišča Ravbar, toplo priporočam.
Izjemno 10. Udoben in velik apartma v pritličju, kar je super za družino z dojenčkom ali majhnim otrokom, odlična lokacija (bližina starega mestnega jedra in dobra izhodiščna točka za dnevne izlete, oglede) in zelo prijazen lastnik.
Dragi Ravbarjevi! Lepa hvala za odlično namestitev. Na tako prijazno in domačo hišo ima popotnik vedno čudovit spomin in željo po vrnitvi. Veliko uspehov!
Suzana in Damjan
Hvala za predivnom smještaju ljubaznosti i domačinstvu.
Tony Cetinski, glasbenik
Imeli smo čudovit teden pri vas in srčno upamo, da se še kdaj ponovi. Hvala za prijaznost.
Igralska ekipa Prešernovega gledališča Kranj
Pozdrav pansionu Ravbar! Veoma ugodno vreme provedeno kot vas. Hvala na gostoprimstvu. Pozdrav
Vlatko Stefanovski, kitarist
Uživali smo u gostoprimstvu in kvalitetnom smeštaju.
Oliver Dragojević i Dupini
Nikjer ni boljše in lepše kot doma! Počutili sva se kot doma!!! Hvala!
Pia in Dušica

IMPRESSIONS (english language)  

Wonderfull place. Lovely people. Loved it. Will come back! Thank you!!
Mana, Richard, Rebecca U.K.
Dear Ravbar, our friends Jože and Milena! This days in Novo mesto were the most beautifull in our memories. Your hospitality is unique, we felt your love and kindness in days that we stayed in your appartments. Thanks you for all that you done for us in these days. Hvala – hvala – hvala
Istvan, Ferenc Katalin
We stayed in one of Ravbar Apartments from 15-20 August. Our apartment was a spacy one on the ground floor, with a covered courtyard terrace. This place is actually unique. While it has a service of a regular hotel (breakfast served per request, rooms cleaned regularly on daily basis, all information and help available on as needed basis), each apartment is like an independent place of living and all guests are like every-day neighbours one another. Our hosts Jože and Milena were great and thank to them we had really enjoyable stay.Apartments are about 10 minutes’ walk from the centre, while Novo Mesto itself is rich with inspiring walking and cycling paths. We have chosen Novo Mesto for our stay because we wanted to explore some of other Slovenia's beauties in other regions. It appeared that our choice was a bingo. We needed only one or max two hours of drive to various locations in Slovenia. Since we felt as if we were at home at Ravbars’ we would surely book our stay here in the nearest future!
Jazz musicians @ Ravbar's International workshop and festival Jazzinty from Novo Mesto annually hosts a number of renowned jazz musicians and other guests attending the jazz seminars and concerts. For fourteen years our choice of accommodations are apartments and rooms Ravbar, offering excellent service even for the most demanding guests. Clean and spacious rooms, good equipment, excellent breakfasts but especially domestic, friendly and helpful Ravbar family, is a guarantee for nice stay and well-being. Musicians such as Reggie Workman, Barry Harris, John Abercrombie, Bill Evans, Adam Nussbaum, Vlatko Stefanovski ... and many others, who have traveled the whole world and experienced many different hotels, have always been more than satisfied with this service. We're looking forward for future cooperation.
We had a great and fantastic week in your appartments! Thank you from Belgium
Erika, Kanne and Kus
Thank you from the Norwegian karate team. We had a nice stay in Novo mesto and good service. Thank you
Jeanett, Victor, Bjornar, Daniel, Ayla, Ruben, Lisell, Angela, Alf Ronny …
Travelling four weeks through Slovenia, we found your accommodation (comfort, service, price) best of all. We would like to see you again.
Mr and Mrs Bramer from Berlin, Germany
Thank you for a pleasant accommodation with a pleasant and family atmosphere.
Slovakia women masters rafting team
Everythink is perfect at Ravbar – we will return as soon as we can.
Jan and Jose, California
Dear Ravbars, Thank you so much for helping Rick and myself have such a wonderfull experience here in Novo mesto. We will bring back so many fond memories back home with us. We could not imagine having such a great time here if it wasn't for your beautifull apartments. We really felt at home here. Your family is such a one of a kind group of great people, we can not thank you enough! Our families had amazing trips here and we will most definately spread the magic of Slovenija and your Ravbar apartments to people back in the states. Thank you! Hvala! Love
Rick and Cici, Minnesota, U.S.A
The apartment provides a nice getaway in the heart of Slovenia. We had a great time at Joze's apartment. The apartment was huge and comfy. Joze was very kind and flexible. I highly recommend this accommodation. Everything was great! 🙂
Kata, Hungary
I came to play golf with my dad, and we stayed in Ravbar apartments, which are 10 mins away from the golf course. We were amazed by the lovely and warm atmosphere. The owners are very kind, the rooms are nice and clean, the breakfast is really good. There is a big parking space, and a nice little garden. Its near the city centre. We had a very pleasant stay and we will come again for sure!
Owners are such nice people and we would recommend their hospitality to anyone. They have been so understanding and accommodated our needs, gave us all necessary instructions and put all effort to make us happy and like at home. Nice breakfast, bio food too. We would go back when in this area again.
Nina Melbourne, Australia
Very clean apartments, friendly and helpful host, fresh breakfast, parking place provided. I recommend the place to everyone who stays in Novo mesto for business trips and needs a good sleep after a busy day.
Great rooms with absolutely everything you need. I was surprised of its complete equipment. Nice quiet place with very friendly people. Mr Ravbar also always offering help and best advices. Definitely a very dedicated owner. Stayed for 3 days and Mr. Ravbar was also very flexible in arrival and departure times. Very nice experience and if booking in Novo mesto again, definitely staying here
Andy, The Netherlands
For me it was a business stay, but it is definetely a place for any kind of travelers from usual hikers to families. House is placed in a quite and peaceful corner of historical town Novo Mesto. it's placed closed to all must see attractions (grad Otočec, Kostanjevica, Trška Gora...). Rooms are very clean, owners very kind. I had room with breakfeast which i also found great. Mr. Ravbar is a passionate cyclist also, so he helped me with advices which route to take to enjoy Dolenjska region the most. Definetely recommend to everyone!!
Clean, nice, great bath, fully furnished, 10 min walk from center of novo mesto. Complete with a fully equipped kitchen with a fridge, a supermarket 1 min walk away, great internet, a lovely table outside in a garden, etc, etc... an ideal place for a work meeting
Bryan, Spain
Rooms are clean and within walking distance of the river and great eating places. Best of all are the wonderful wineries around the area and the beautiful scenery. If you have a car and can travel to the vineyards it is well worth your time to visit them and the small churches on the hillside also.
Bob, Texas, USA
This was our fourth stay and as always was comfortable and welcomed by the very friendly owners Joze, Milena, and their son Matjaž. It had every amenity including air conditioning and fast wifi as well as a good breakfast with a variety of selection choices. Rooms were very clean and the property was well maintained as well as quiet. The owners go above and beyond to make your experience as good as it can be and can communicate in several languages. The location is near the city center which can be walked to in 5 minutes. Overall I would highly recommend this place to anyone as I am certain I will return here again.
Nikola, Dallas Texas, USA
We traveled Slovenia for 14 days, staying in as many different hotels. Ravbar is at the top, period. You can not beat the location (within walking distance to the center of Novo mesto), the price, cleanliness, spacious room and the delicious breakfast. The owner was conscientious and thoughtful and gave us a tour of his Vineyard Cottage and shared insight into the history of the town. Ravbar was the perfect ending for a lovely trip. I highly recommend it.
Colleen, Wisconsin, USA
Wonderfull place. Lovely people. Loved it. Will come back! Thank you!!
Mana, Richard, Rebecca U.K.
Dear Ravbar, our friends Jože and Milena! This days in Novo mesto were the most beautifull in our memories. Your hospitality is unique, we felt your love and kindness in days that we stayed in your appartments. Thanks you for all that you done for us in these days. Hvala – hvala – hvala
Istvan, Ferenc Katalin
We stayed in one of Ravbar Apartments from 15-20 August. Our apartment was a spacy one on the ground floor, with a covered courtyard terrace. This place is actually unique. While it has a service of a regular hotel (breakfast served per request, rooms cleaned regularly on daily basis, all information and help available on as needed basis), each apartment is like an independent place of living and all guests are like every-day neighbours one another. Our hosts Jože and Milena were great and thank to them we had really enjoyable stay.Apartments are about 10 minutes’ walk from the centre, while Novo Mesto itself is rich with inspiring walking and cycling paths. We have chosen Novo Mesto for our stay because we wanted to explore some of other Slovenia's beauties in other regions. It appeared that our choice was a bingo. We needed only one or max two hours of drive to various locations in Slovenia. Since we felt as if we were at home at Ravbars’ we would surely book our stay here in the nearest future!
Jazz musicians @ Ravbar's International workshop and festival Jazzinty from Novo Mesto annually hosts a number of renowned jazz musicians and other guests attending the jazz seminars and concerts. For fourteen years our choice of accommodations are apartments and rooms Ravbar, offering excellent service even for the most demanding guests. Clean and spacious rooms, good equipment, excellent breakfasts but especially domestic, friendly and helpful Ravbar family, is a guarantee for nice stay and well-being. Musicians such as Reggie Workman, Barry Harris, John Abercrombie, Bill Evans, Adam Nussbaum, Vlatko Stefanovski ... and many others, who have traveled the whole world and experienced many different hotels, have always been more than satisfied with this service. We're looking forward for future cooperation.
We had a great and fantastic week in your appartments! Thank you from Belgium
Erika, Kanne and Kus
Thank you from the Norwegian karate team. We had a nice stay in Novo mesto and good service. Thank you
Jeanett, Victor, Bjornar, Daniel, Ayla, Ruben, Lisell, Angela, Alf Ronny …
Travelling four weeks through Slovenia, we found your accommodation (comfort, service, price) best of all. We would like to see you again.
Mr and Mrs Bramer from Berlin, Germany
Thank you for a pleasant accommodation with a pleasant and family atmosphere.
Slovakia women masters rafting team
Everythink is perfect at Ravbar – we will return as soon as we can.
Jan and Jose, California
Dear Ravbars, Thank you so much for helping Rick and myself have such a wonderfull experience here in Novo mesto. We will bring back so many fond memories back home with us. We could not imagine having such a great time here if it wasn't for your beautifull apartments. We really felt at home here. Your family is such a one of a kind group of great people, we can not thank you enough! Our families had amazing trips here and we will most definately spread the magic of Slovenija and your Ravbar apartments to people back in the states. Thank you! Hvala! Love
Rick and Cici, Minnesota, U.S.A
The apartment provides a nice getaway in the heart of Slovenia. We had a great time at Joze's apartment. The apartment was huge and comfy. Joze was very kind and flexible. I highly recommend this accommodation. Everything was great! 🙂
Kata, Hungary
I came to play golf with my dad, and we stayed in Ravbar apartments, which are 10 mins away from the golf course. We were amazed by the lovely and warm atmosphere. The owners are very kind, the rooms are nice and clean, the breakfast is really good. There is a big parking space, and a nice little garden. Its near the city centre. We had a very pleasant stay and we will come again for sure!
Owners are such nice people and we would recommend their hospitality to anyone. They have been so understanding and accommodated our needs, gave us all necessary instructions and put all effort to make us happy and like at home. Nice breakfast, bio food too. We would go back when in this area again.
Nina Melbourne, Australia
Very clean apartments, friendly and helpful host, fresh breakfast, parking place provided. I recommend the place to everyone who stays in Novo mesto for business trips and needs a good sleep after a busy day.
Great rooms with absolutely everything you need. I was surprised of its complete equipment. Nice quiet place with very friendly people. Mr Ravbar also always offering help and best advices. Definitely a very dedicated owner. Stayed for 3 days and Mr. Ravbar was also very flexible in arrival and departure times. Very nice experience and if booking in Novo mesto again, definitely staying here
Andy, The Netherlands
For me it was a business stay, but it is definetely a place for any kind of travelers from usual hikers to families. House is placed in a quite and peaceful corner of historical town Novo Mesto. it's placed closed to all must see attractions (grad Otočec, Kostanjevica, Trška Gora...). Rooms are very clean, owners very kind. I had room with breakfeast which i also found great. Mr. Ravbar is a passionate cyclist also, so he helped me with advices which route to take to enjoy Dolenjska region the most. Definetely recommend to everyone!!
Clean, nice, great bath, fully furnished, 10 min walk from center of novo mesto. Complete with a fully equipped kitchen with a fridge, a supermarket 1 min walk away, great internet, a lovely table outside in a garden, etc, etc... an ideal place for a work meeting
Bryan, Spain
Rooms are clean and within walking distance of the river and great eating places. Best of all are the wonderful wineries around the area and the beautiful scenery. If you have a car and can travel to the vineyards it is well worth your time to visit them and the small churches on the hillside also.
Bob, Texas, USA
This was our fourth stay and as always was comfortable and welcomed by the very friendly owners Joze, Milena, and their son Matjaž. It had every amenity including air conditioning and fast wifi as well as a good breakfast with a variety of selection choices. Rooms were very clean and the property was well maintained as well as quiet. The owners go above and beyond to make your experience as good as it can be and can communicate in several languages. The location is near the city center which can be walked to in 5 minutes. Overall I would highly recommend this place to anyone as I am certain I will return here again.
Nikola, Dallas Texas, USA
We traveled Slovenia for 14 days, staying in as many different hotels. Ravbar is at the top, period. You can not beat the location (within walking distance to the center of Novo mesto), the price, cleanliness, spacious room and the delicious breakfast. The owner was conscientious and thoughtful and gave us a tour of his Vineyard Cottage and shared insight into the history of the town. Ravbar was the perfect ending for a lovely trip. I highly recommend it.
Colleen, Wisconsin, USA